Getting a start-up 'up and running'

STANCE worked with Mecommi to deliver a full STANCE (story and positioning) and a cool fundraising video! The video would be done on a budget with handy filming from yours truly, STANCE founder, Simon Dean, and editing from friend of STANCE, Matt Macgilligan.

Born and raised in lockdown, Mecommi is on a mission to bring eco-consumption to the masses by delivering the local market to your doorstep.

Watch the kickstarter video

Brand strategy for Mecommi

Mecommi and STANCE did a workshop to arrive at their Situation, Transformation, Attitude, Niche, Confidence and Expression. STANCE workshops last about three hours using a variety of proprietary exercises to tease out compelling words, phrases and ideas for the brand story.

Belief statement

We believe the local market helps create better livelihoods, lifestyles, and life on earth.

Mission statement

Mecommi is on a mission to bring eco-consumption to the masses by delivering the local market to your doorstep.

Vision statement

We see a world where environmentally conscious businesses win a lifetime of customer loyalty.

Positioning Mecommi against other brands

At STANCE we like to think of brand positioning as a discrete element of brand storytelling. For example, the axes below don’t address the brand’s attitude, mission or vision, but they do establish an ‘Us vs. Them’ narrative for investor conversations and pitches.

The first thing to do is to establish your landscape, so in the case of Mecommi, we’re talking about ‘delivered groceries’ which would not feature services that deliver pre-made meals.

Next you need to carve up the axes by looking at your key emotional and rational differentiators. In the case of Mecommi, the market provides local, and hence eco, food… And you get all the choice you need, unlike Oddbox, where it’s a lucky dip. (I do love Oddbox by the way and have used them since summer 2020.)

Here’s how the positioning axes came out:

Brand positioning axes developed for Mecommi using The STANCE Method

About the kickstarter fundraising campaign

Well, this is a bit of a sad story. While Mecommi gathered excellent momentum out of UK lockdown 1 and 2, lockdown 3 closed the testbed, which was Cambridge market. The future of Mecommi is uncertain at this time. Our video, however, did win best in class at the Cambridge start-up incubator!

If you liked this belief, mission and vision check out this blog for more, 'Rock Solid Belief, Mission And Vision Statements Created Using The STANCE Method.'


Thank you to these rockstars.

Matt Macgilligan -  Video editor

Visit next case study.

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